Saturday 31 August 2024

Scott Galloway's Viral TED Talk: The Great Intergenerational Theft


In a recent TED Talk that has taken the internet by storm, NYU marketing professor Scott Galloway delves into what he calls the great intergenerational theft. This provocative discussion has sparked conversations worldwide, with millions tuning in to hear Galloway's sharp insights on how older generations are, in his view, stealing prosperity from the young. In a follow-up conversation with TED head Chris Anderson, Galloway expands on his ideas, offering bold solutions to some of the most pressing issues facing young people today.

The Feedback: Overwhelmingly Positive

Galloway's talk has received a staggering amount of positive feedback. From billionaires offering philanthropic partnerships to ordinary citizens expressing their support, the response has been largely affirmative. However, Galloway acknowledges that his talk has also faced criticism, particularly around topics like Social Security and his comments on obesity. He welcomes this pushback, viewing it as a necessary part of sparking meaningful dialogue

Key Issues Highlighted

Skyrocketing Cost of Housing

One of the most pressing issues Galloway addresses is the skyrocketing cost of housing, which has made it increasingly difficult for young people to afford homes. He argues that this is a direct result of policies that favor older, wealthier individuals at the expense of the younger generation.

Mental Health Crisis

Galloway also touches on the mental health crisis exacerbated by social media. He suggests that the constant comparison and unrealistic standards set by social media platforms contribute significantly to the rising levels of anxiety and depression among young people.

Reckless Government Spending

Another critical point Galloway makes is about reckless govemment spending. He argues that both Republicans and Democrats are guilty of irresponsible fiscal policies that prioritize short-term gains over long-term stability. This, he says, is another way in which the older generation is mortgaging the future of the young

Bold Solutions Proposed

Expanding Freshman Classes at Elite Colleges

Galloway suggests that one way to address the educational disparity is by expanding freshman classes at elite colleges. He believes that higher education should return to being a public servant rather than a luxury brand

Tax Reform

He also advocates for significant tax reform, including eliminating the capital gains tax and implementing

a single income tax rate. This, he argues, would put more money in the pockets of young people and help

level the playing field

Federally Mandated Minimum Wage

Galloway proposes a federally mandated minimum wage of $25 an hour. He believes this would not only

help young people financially but also stimulate the economy by increasing consumer spending

The Role of Social Media

While acknowledging the benefits of social media for marginalized groups, Galloway argues that the overall impact on young people's mental health is overwhelmingly negative. He suggests age-gating social media to restrict access for those under 16, believing that the net benefits would far outweigh the Downsides addressing Obesity and the Food Industrial Complex Galloway is particularly critical of the food industrial complex, which he believes is a significant contribution to the obesity epidemic. He advocates for taxing these companies relative to their externalities and investing in programs that promote healthier lifestyles.

The Call to Action

Galloway's talk is a call to action for both young and old. He urges young people to get involved in politicalmovements that advocate for fiscal responsibility and long-term investments. He also calls for a change in the narrative around young people, arguing that their struggles are not a result of entitlement but of systemic issues that need to be addressed.

Elon Musk: The Future We're Building -- and Boring

 In a riveting TED Talk, Elon Musk, the visionary entrepreneur behind Tesla, SpaceX, and The Boring Company, sat down with TED's Head Curator, Chris Anderson, to discuss his ambitious plans for the future. From digging tunnels under Los Angeles to alleviate traffic congestion to building a sustainable city on Mars, Musk's vision is as bold as it is inspiring. Here's a breakdown of the key points from their conversation

The Boring Company: Digging Tunnels to Alleviate Traffic

One of the most soul-destroying aspects of urban life is traffic congestion, and Los Angeles is notorious

for it. Musk's solution? A 3D network of tunnels beneath the city. The Boring Company aims to create a

seamless integration of tunnel entrances and exits into the urban fabric using car elevators. These tunnels. would allow electric skates to travel at speeds of up to 200 kilometers per hour (about 130 miles per hour), drastically reducing travel times.

Cost-Effective Tunneling

Traditional tunneling is prohibitively expensive, but Musk believes he can reduce costs by a factor of ten By shrinking the tunnel diameter and designing continuous tunneling and reinforcing machines, The Boring Company aims to make tunneling more efficient and affordable. The ultimate goal? To beat Gary the snail a humorous benchmark Musk uses to illustrate the current inefficiency of tunnel-boring machines.

The Future of Transportation: Autonomous and Electric Vehicles

Musk's vision for the future of transportation extends beyond tunnels. Tesla is at the forefront of the electric vehicle revolution, and the upcoming Model 3 is set to make waves. With advanced autopilot features, Tesla aims to make fully autonomous cross-country travel a reality by the end of 2017. Musk envisions a future where shared autonomous vehicles make transportation more affordable and efficient, potentially reducing the need for traditional public transit.

The Tesla Semi

In addition to passenger vehicles, Tesla is also venturing into heavy-duty trucking. The Tesla Semi, set to be unveiled in September, promises to out-torque any diesel semi and offer a more enjoyable driving experience. With a flat torque RPM curve and no gears, the Tesla Semi will be nimble and powerful,

capable of outperforming traditional diesel trucks.

Sustainable Energy: Solar Roofs and Powerwalls

Musk's commitment to sustainable energy is evident in Tesla's solar roofs and Powerwalls. These solar

glass tiles are designed to be aesthetically pleasing and economically viable, potentially making solar

roofs the norm in the coming decades. With the ability to power homes and store energy, these

innovations could significantly reduce reliance on fossil fuels.

The Gigafactory

Central to Tesla's strategy is the Gigafactory, a massive facility dedicated to producing lithium-ion

batteries. With the goal of producing 100 gigawatt-hours of batteries annually, the Gigafactory is a critical

component in making sustainable energy more accessible and affordable. Musk envisions a future where

multiple Gigafactories around the world help transition the global energy market away from fossil fuels.

SpaceX: Making Life Multiplanetary

Perhaps the most ambitious of Musk's projects is SpaceX, with the goal of making life multiplanetary. The

successful reusability of rocket boosters is a significant milestone, paving the way for more cost-effective

space travel. Musk's Interplanetary Transport System aims to send humans to Mars within the next

decade, with the long-term goal of establishing a self-sustaining city on the Red Planet

Why Mars?

For Musk, the drive to colonize Mars is both practical and inspirational. He believes that having a

multiplanetary species is crucial for the long-term survival of humanity. Moreover, the idea of exploring

and settling new worlds is inherently exciting and can inspire future generations to dream big


Elon Musk's vision for the future is nothing short of revolutionary. From alleviating urban traffic with

underground tunnels to making sustainable energy mainstream and colonizing Mars, Musk is tackling

some of the most pressing challenges of our time. His relentless pursuit of innovation and his ability to

turn ambitious dreams into reality make him one of the most influential figures of our era. As we look to

the future, Musk's projects offer a glimpse of a world that is more connected, sustainable, and inspiring.

Friday 30 August 2024

ChatGPT-powered love letters: Why an MIT psychologist says AI could be dangerous for your heart

At a time when chatbots and avatars are taking over, are we getting too attached to these virtual creations? MIT professor Dr Sherry Turkle explains how forming deep connections with AI chatbots can affect our lives.

MIT psychologist Dr Sherry Turkle warns of the emotional risks in forming intimate connections with AI chatbots. (Image: FreePik)
MIT psychologist Dr Sherry Turkle warns of the emotional risks in forming intimate connections with AI chatbots. (Image: FreePik)

“When we seek out relationships of no vulnerability, we forget that vulnerability is really where empathy is,” said Dr Sherry Turkle, professor of social studies of science and technology at MIT. In the last three years, we have seen AI galloping at a rapid speed, becoming more sophisticated, and closer to behaving like humans. Perhaps, this could be the reason that prompted psychologists and sociologists to explore a new phenomenon called artificial intimacy. 

The MIT psychologist and sociologist, who has been studying this trend in depth, was speaking on a podcast “How our relationships are changing in the age of ‘artificial intimacy’,” by Ted Radio Hour. Turkle said that she is currently focussing on how people are developing emotional attachments to AI chatbots and avatars. And, as these technologies become more advanced and widely accessible, the professor warns of the potential risks it would pose to our understanding of human relationships and most importantly our capacity for empathy. 

The professor defines AI intimacy as interactions with “technologies that don’t just say I’m intelligent, but to machines that say… I care about you. I love you. I’m here for you. Take care of me.” These, according to Turkle, include an array of applications such as therapy chatbots, AI companions, fitness coaches, and even digital avatars of deceased family members. 

During the conversation with host Manoush Zomorodi, Turkle said that although these technologies seem beneficial on the surface, she is concerned about their long-term effects on human psychology and relationships. “The trouble with this is that when we seek out relationships of no vulnerability, we forget that vulnerability is really where empathy is,” she said. 

ChatGPT Love letters

At the beginning of the conversation, Turkle and Zomorodi discuss the use of ChatGPT for writing letters. The professor mentioned that she has been studying someone who uses ChatGPT to write all her love letters. According to Turkle, this person feels that ChatGPT writes better love letters that are closer to how she really feels than she could express in words. 

Festive offer

Although this may seem like a benign practice, the sociologist admitted that it was concerning. “Because even those of us who couldn’t write very good love letters summoned ourselves in a certain kind of special way when we wrote a love letter. And the love letter was not just about what was on paper. It was about what we had done to ourselves in the process of writing it.”

According to Turkle, using AI to write love letters weakens an important personal process even though the final output may seem more appealing to the user. Turkle suggests that the act of writing a love letter by oneself, even if it is not so eloquent, involves introspection and emotional engagement which is lost when we outsource the job to AI.

 AI and pretend empathy

Another key issue that Turkle identified during the podcast is the concept of “pretend empathy”’. The AI chatbots that we see are programmed to offer constant positive affirmations and validation. While this may be enticing to users, this is radically different from real human empathy. “I call what they have ‘pretend empathy’… because the machine they are talking to does not empathise. It does not care about them. There is nobody home,” she noted.

This vast difference between real empathy and pretend empathy, according to Turkle, is particularly problematic especially when users increasingly prefer AI interactions over real human bonds. During the conversation, Turkle also recounted instances where individuals reported feeling more connected to their AI companions than real-life partners or immediate family. She feels that this preference for a ‘friction-free’ interaction may lead to a distorted understanding of healthy relationships. 

Another concerning area is the impact of AI chatbots and avatars on children and adolescents. The psychologist expressed worry that exposure to artificial intimacy at a young age may impact development of critical social skills. Turkle gave an example of a mother, whom she interviewed, who was happy that her daughter could vent her feelings to an AI companion instead of expressing it to a parent. Here, the professor argues that this kind of interaction could deprive the child of important learning experiences in managing their complex emotions with real relationships. 

Avatars of the deceased

Ever since they came to public knowledge, creation of digital avatars of deceased individuals has been among the most ethically fraught applications with regards to AI intimacy. The idea of being able to continue interacting with a loved one after they passed away may seem comforting at first, but, Dr Turkle warns about its psychological impacts. 

“The thing about mourning somebody who’s gone is that you leave space to bring that person inside of yourself,” she explains. According to her, by relying on an AI avatar, people may short-circuit the natural grieving process, likely obstructing their capacity to accept loss and grow from that experience.

While the professor is not outrightly calling these technologies to be banned, she acknowledges that in some cases they may offer comfort or even act as useful tools. However, she calls for the need for users to maintain a ‘dual consciousness’ – essentially an awareness that they are interacting with a computer program and not a real person. She admitted that this is becoming increasingly challenging as AI becomes more sophisticated and lifelike.

Turkle also said that these AI avatars are usually trained on internet data which is vast, and hence it could be a possibility that they may say things that are upsetting which a real person may never say. She also expressed concerns about how these technologies are being marketed, essentially as a means to avoid having to say goodbye to dead loved ones.  

The sociologist also has some advice for those who are engaging with AI intimacy technologies. The professor encourages users to see these interactions as exercises in self-reflection, and not as substitutes for real relationships. “The main thing I would offer is that this is kind of an exercise, hopefully in self-reflection. That the only good that can come out of this is you reflect better on your life with the person you loved and lost.”

 .. Read Mor गुArtificial Intelligence

Selena Gomez Drops a Bombshell! The Internet Is Exploding Over Her Latest Confession – You Won’t Believe What She Revealed!

The entertainment world has been turned upside down, and social media is on fire! Selena Gomez, the multi-talented singer and actress, just dropped a bombshell revelation that has everyone talking. After weeks of speculation, the star finally sat down for an exclusive interview with Entertainment Weekly, and what she confessed left fans in shock and disbelief!

 The Confession That Has Everyone Talking

During her candid interview, Selena Gomez opened up about a deeply personal struggle that she’s kept hidden from the public eye for years. While she’s always been known for her poise, grace, and honesty, no one was prepared for the emotional revelation she made.

“I’ve been carrying this with me for far too long,” Selena confessed, tears welling up in her eyes. “It’s time I let my fans and the world know what’s really been going on behind the scenes.”

Her confession? Selena admitted that she has been battling with severe anxiety and burnout for the past two years, despite her outward appearance of success and happiness. *“There were days I didn’t even want to get out of bed, but I felt like I had to keep up appearances,”* she shared, her voice breaking with emotion. *“The pressure of being in the spotlight 24/7 has taken a toll on my mental health.”*

Fans Rally Behind Selena

As soon as the interview aired, fans from around the globe flooded social media with an outpouring of support. #StayStrongSelena quickly became a trending hashtag on Twitter, with fans and fellow celebrities alike offering words of encouragement and praise for her bravery.

Famous friends like Taylor Swift, Demi Lovato, and Miley Cyrus all took to Instagram to share heartfelt messages, praising Selena for her courage. *“You are so strong, Selena,” wrote Taylor Swift. “We’re all here for you, and we love you.”

What’s Next for Selena?

While Selena has revealed that she’s taking a temporary break from the spotlight to focus on her mental health, she assured fans that this is not the end of her career. In fact, she’s using this time to work on new music and personal projects that reflect her journey of healing and self-discovery.

“I’m coming back stronger than ever,” Selena promised. “I want to make music that speaks to what I’ve been through and what I’ve learned. I hope it can help others who are going through something similar.”

 The Shocking Twist

Just when you thought that was the end of the story, there’s more! Selena hinted that a secret project is in the works – something that’s been kept tightly under wraps. Sources close to the star say it could be a tell-all documentary or even a new album that dives deep into her personal struggles. Whatever it is, fans are waiting with bated breath to see what Selena has in store.

Stay tuned to find out more about this bombshell revelation and what Selena Gomez is planning next – this is one story you won’t want to miss!

BLACKPINK’s Jisoo in discussions to star as female lead in new drama ‘Monthly Boyfriend’

BLACKPINK’s Jisoo in discussions to star as female lead in new drama ‘Monthly Boyfriend’
BLACKPINK's Jisoo is in talks to play the lead role in the drama 'Monthly Boyfriend'. Her agency, BLISSOO, has confirmed they are reviewing the offer. Jisoo, who began acting with 'Snowdrop', has also finished other notable projects. She continues her activities with BLACKPINK while managing solo endeavors under her agency.
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BLACKPINK's Jisoo is making headlines once again, this time with exciting news about a potential new role. According to reports on August 29, Jisoo has been approached with a casting offer to take on the female lead in the highly anticipated drama ‘Monthly Boyfriend’. This opportunity could mark a major step in her acting career, adding to her growing list of impressive roles. In response to the speculation, Jisoo's agency, BLISSOO, has confirmed that, “We are currently reviewing the offer”, as reported by Soompi. Fans are eagerly awaiting further details as Jisoo’s involvement in the project could be a major highlight in her acting portfolio.

Jisoo's journey in acting began with her debut role in the 2021 drama ‘Snowdrop’, where she showcased her talent alongside Jung Hae In. Her acting skills were further recognized with a special appearance in the film ‘The Plot’, and she has recently completed filming for ‘Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint’, where she stars with Ahn Hyo Seop and Lee Min Ho. In addition to these projects, Jisoo is also set to star in the upcoming zombie drama ‘Newtopia’, alongside actor Park Jeong Min.
Earlier this year, Jisoo launched her own agency, BLISSOO, focusing on her solo activities. This move makes her the third BLACKPINK member to establish a personal label, following in the footsteps of her groupmates. While she remains active with BLACKPINK under YG Entertainment, Jisoo’s new venture allows her to pursue her individual acting projects with a dedicated team. Her older brother, Kim Jung Hoon, plays a key role as the CEO of BLISSOO, supporting her career ambitions.

Aditi Rao Hydari recalls Siddharth's thoughtful proposal, shares wedding venue

Aditi Rao Hydari, in a recent interview, explained how Siddharth proposed to her at one of her favourite places. She also gave a hint about their wedding venue.

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Photos of Aditi Rao Hydari and Siddharth.
Aditi Rao Hydari recently spoke about actor Siddharth's proposal. (Photo credits: Instagram/aditiraohydari)

In Short

  • Aditi Rao Hydari and Siddharth got engaged in March 2024
  • She spoke about how Siddharth proposed to her at her favourite place
  • The 'Heeramandi' actor opened up about her wedding venue

Siddharth and Aditi Rao Hydari are all set to get married later this year in India. In a recent interview, the 'Heeramandi' actor explained how Siddharth proposed to her at a school which was founded by her grandmother. She also provided an update regarding her wedding venue, without divulging too many details. Siddharth and Aditi Rao Hydari got engaged at a temple earlier this year.

Speaking to Vogue India, Aditi said that she and Siddharth had a running joke for over a year. He would go down on one knee, but wouldn't propose. Instead, he'd fiddle with his shoelace.

Aditi recalled how thoughtful Siddharth was when he actually proposed to her. She said, "I was closest to my nani, who passed away a few years ago. She started a school in Hyderabad. One day, Siddharth asked me if he could see it, knowing full well how close I had been to her."

Siddharth took Aditi to the school in March this year and visited the exact location where she spent time as a child. "He got down on his knee and I asked him, ‘Now what have you lost? Whose shoelaces are open?’ He kept saying, ‘Addu, listen to me’. And then he proposed. He said he wanted to bring me to my favourite childhood place, one with my grandmother’s blessings," she explained.

Siddharth and Aditi met each other on the sets of 'Maha Samudram' in 2021. She remarked, "He walked in and said, ‘Hello, beautiful girl’. Usually, when someone says something like this, it does not work. But he was being genuine. By the end of the day, he had me and pretty much everyone on the set in splits. He also ensured that my team and I had ghee idlis whipped up by his cook every day for the rest of the shoot.”

So, when are the couple going to get married? Without divulging much, Aditi said, "The wedding will be centred around a 400-year-old temple in Wanaparthy that is of significance to my family." Wanaparthy is a town in Telangana.

It is to be noted that Aditi and Siddharth got engaged at the Srirangapuram temple near Wanaparthy.

Aditi Rao Hydari and Siddharth have been dating since 2021. 

Britain Faces Uproar as Hate Speech Allegations Target 24 Mosques Run by Pakistani-Origin Leaders


Here’s an overview:

Introduction: Historical Context and Recent Events

Britain’s Muslim community has a rich and complex history. Since the 1800s, waves of migration from:

  • Asia
  • Africa
  • the Middle East

have contributed to the cultural mosaic. The community flourished, establishing:

  • Mosques
  • Schools
  • Cultural centers

Recent events have drawn attention to the challenges Muslims face in Britain. Notably:

  • Visits to 24 mosques: Highlighted the community’s diverse representation.
  • Keir Starmer’s involvement: Signaled political engagement.
  • Hate speech incidents: Shed light on prevailing societal tensions and the need for dialogue.

This backdrop sets the stage for understanding the multifaceted narrative of Muslims in Britain today.

The Role of Muslims in Modern Britain

Muslims in modern Britain play multifaceted roles contributing significantly to various aspects of society, including:

  • Education: Many Muslims serve as professors, teachers, and researchers in leading universities and schools.

  • Healthcare: They form a substantial portion of NHS staff, ranging from doctors to nurses.

  • Business: Numerous Muslims are successful entrepreneurs, invigorating the economy through diverse enterprises.

  • Politics: They actively engage in politics, with Muslim MPs and local councilors influencing policy and community welfare.

  • Culture: Their contributions to literature, art, and media enhance the cultural tapestry of Britain.

    Key Developments in British Policies on Mosques

British policies on mosques have evolved significantly, underscoring the nation’s commitment to fostering an inclusive society. Key developments include:

  • Government Funding Initiatives: Initiation of grants to support mosque construction and maintenance.
  • Security Enhancements: Increased funding for security measures to safeguard mosques against hate crimes.
  • Community Integration Programs: Launching initiatives to promote interfaith dialogue and community cohesion.
  • Training and Regulation: Implementation of standards for mosque management and imam training.
  • Counter-Terrorism Measures: Introduction of policies to monitor and prevent radical activities within mosques.

These steps highlight Britain’s proactive approach to ensuring the safety and integration of Muslim communities.

Keir Starmer’s Stance: Support and Criticism

Keir Starmer, the leader of the Labour Party, has taken a nuanced position on the issue of Muslims in Britain.


  • He advocates for the protection of religious freedoms.
  • He emphasizes the significance of inclusion within British society.
  • He promotes policies aimed at combating Islamophobia.


  • Some critics argue that his stance is inconsistent.
  • Concerns have been raised about his commitment to tangible policy changes.
  • Criticisms also focus on perceived inadequacies in addressing hate speech effectively.

“We must ensure that every community feels safe and respected in our country.” - Keir Starmer

These varied perspectives highlight the complexities of his position.

Implications for India: A Closer Look

The situation in Britain is set to impact India in several ways:

  • Diaspora Relations: Indian Muslims in the UK may face challenges that necessitate support from the Indian government.
  • Diplomacy: India may revamp diplomatic channels to assist Indian-origin people in Britain dealing with these issues.
  • Policy Influence: Policymakers in India might evaluate internal strategies on hate speech and religious freedoms.
  • Economic Ties: Unrest could affect bilateral trade and investment between India and the UK.

The Indian government needs to monitor developments closely for appropriate responses.

Hate speech laws in Britain aim to protect individuals and groups from discrimination and hostility. Legal frameworks focus on:

  • Preventing violence: Hate speech that incites violence or public disorder is prohibited.
  • Equality promotion: Ensuring citizens are treated equally regardless of religion or ethnicity.

Social perspectives address:

  • Community cohesion: Building trust among diverse populations.
  • Media responsibility: News outlets urged to cover issues sensitively without inflaming tensions.
  • Education initiatives: Schools and organizations work to educate youth about the harms of hate speech.

Combatting hate speech requires a balanced approach, respecting freedom of expression while safeguarding vulnerable communities.

Conclusion: Bridging Communities and Moving Forward

The diverse landscape of Britain necessitates fostering understanding and unity. The inclusion of Muslims within the broader societal framework promotes mutual respect. Significant steps towards this include:

  • Encouraging interfaith dialogues.
  • Implementing policies to reduce hate speech.
  • Recognizing and addressing the contributions of Muslims in Britain.

These measures enhance social cohesion and support national growth. Community leaders and policymakers must collaborate to build a more inclusive and harmonious environment. Promoting tolerance and celebrating diversity ensures a resilient and united society. The commitment to bridging communities is essential for future progress.


IIT Placement Crisis: A Call for Urgent Action

The recent revelation that over 7,000 IIT students remain jobless at the conclusion of the placement season has sent shockwaves through the ...